Sunday, June 29, 2008

Clinton Anderson Tour 2008

We made it to our third Clinton Anderson Wahl Walkabout Tour the past weekend.
It was a fantastic time of learning how to deal with horses.
Our friends, Josh and Daniel, went with us, which made it all the more fun!


OKGardners said...

Clinton Anderson is a good man to take the time to give special time to all the kids each year.

Looks like you have a lot of extra kids in the pictures this year. Isn't that the young man who got the 'surprise horse' for his Birthday? and his younger brother (maybe??)


Love, Mom & Ed

Sarah said...

I went there too (you know cause I sat beside you). It was my 2nd one. I almost got to meet Clinton (for the 2nd time), but they cut the line off RIGHT in front of me!!