Friday, December 12, 2008

Jessica's First Deer

Jessica shot this nice, big doe with her bow on our place last month. She spent 8 1/2 hours processing it with her faithful assistant, Bethany.
It just so happens that Jessica had taken Bethany with her to hunt the evening she got this one. What a memory they'll always share!


"Hello... It's Me Again..." said...

Way to go Jessica! I didn't realize you were such an avid hunter! Good job! I have a great venison jerky recipe I used to make years ago and it is yummy if you are interested in it!!! If you soak your meat in salt water, it will take some of the gaminess out of the taste. Good luck hunting!!!

OKGardners said...

Anyone who THINKS that home schooled kids live a "sheltered life" should meet your kids. They do MORE activities than any public schooled kids do - without all the bad influences of others.

Way to go, Becky! (and Bruce, too, of course)

Love, Mom and Ed