Sunday, April 5, 2009

Puppy, anyone?

Update: A lady called the on Wednesday, we met her with the pups, and she took both! By the way, I was amazed that both pups had doubled their size in the two weeks they were with us! They had appetites like horses!

We have dogs dumped on our road about once a month, and sometimes it's litters of puppies. Our latest find is these two cuties. We've been trying to find someone to take them, but we've found no takers. I suppose we'll have to call Animal Control soon.


Sarah said...

Oh my gosh, so cute!!!! I wish I could take one, but mom and dad say 2 dogs are enough :( I bet FCAR would take them

OKGardners said...

Sweet little puppies. Too bad someone DUMPED them on the side of the road with no shelter, food, water or love. But they found it at your house. Hope they find new homes soon.

Love, Mom aka Grandma G.