Saturday, May 30, 2009

These three love swimming lessons!

Samuel has a great attitude and is doing great refreshing his swimming skills learned last summer.

Rebecca is loving diving in and swimming like a fish now that she can use her own goggles.

Bethany loves to swim. She always did like diving around in the bathtub when just a tiny girl.


OKGardners said...

Great progress is being made with the "middle" three - as shown in the photos. Keep posting to the blog and we can stay informed of daily activities - when you have time. (What's that?) I appreciate you taking the time to update the blog and photos. Very important to us. (Better than Facebook, by far.)

Love, G-ma & G-pa G.

Bill Russell said...

Happy to see the fun times at the pool, plus learning good safety skills.

Blessings to you all!

Love, Dad