Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Capable daughters are very valuable!

Our in-house seamstress has been whipping out the dresses this month and doing an excellent job. Here, she is trying on a finished product that turned out wonderfully!
She can even alter the patterns to make them fit better.
(I sure can't do that very well!)
She can also cook some great meals. Her biscuits are as good as mine!

Amber loves holding this sweet baby sister. She looks forward to being a mom someday herself. She has also been practicing sewing and cooking up some mighty fine meals, too.

Just a note: Bruce and I lived on frozen bean burritos for our first year of marriage, because I couldn't yet hit a lick in the kitchen. I'm thankful our girls will feed their families well!


OKGardners said...

Becky, you have been blessed to be a stay at home Mom. I never had the privilege. It shows in your children's talents and abilities. It is fun to watch your family growing up.

Love, Mom and Ed

"Hello... It's Me Again..." said...


I lived on frozen foods when I first lived out on my own until I taught myself to cook, too. Burritos for a year? I'm surprised you didn't get gassed out... frozen burrito gasses can be toxic... ha ha....

I worked with nice ladies who were sweet to share their special recipes and that's where I started learning my skills in the kitchen.

I've always told my daughter that anyone who can read, can cook. You just have to want to try new things. It's an easy way to the heart and tummy of your family!

Alli already has many homemade specialties too that she tackled all by herself. I'm proud of your girls and mine for learning cooking skills at such a young age. Good for them!!!

Anonymous said...

Sweet, lovely girls!
We lived off helper with no hamburger & canned biscuits :-) Les was in college & we couldn't afford hamburger. Ahh...those were the days. I couldn't do ANYTHING when I married. I had never cleaned a bathroom in my life. We had a cleaning lady at home and my mother was a bit of a control freak about the cooking. I learned to clean out of desperation & Leslie's precious, godly Grandmother Angeline taught me how to cook. What a blessing she was!
Anyway- I decided early on that I would let my children help with these things even if they didn't always do them perfectly. We learn best by doing.
