Sunday, March 14, 2010

Recent pictures from my cellphone...

Here is Hannah sticking her foot up on the tray.
She thought turning around backwards was even more fun!
Here are two handsome boys trying out their wedding attire.

Isaac was getting ready to go on a date with Dad. He took his doggy, Plato, with him.
Below is Hannah just seconds before falling asleep in the van.

Rebecca put these boots on Hannah while we were shopping for boots for the little boys.
No, we didn't buy these, though they sure were cute!
Isaac was very happy to be going out with Amber. She said he didn't even ask for a Capri Sun, he simply wanted to hold the box. He had his piggy bank along for the ride.

Here is Hannah on her throne while grocery shopping at Aldi.
The little boys enjoyed trying out some saddles at Frontier Ranch Supply Store.
We didn't buy saddles, but thanks to a grandparent donation, they got some new boots to wear to the wedding in a few weeks!

We had a beautiful day recently, and Hannah discovered how fun swinging is.
She was all giggles and smiles!

1 comment:

OKGardners said...

Great pictures and memories. :)

Love, G-ma & G-pa Gardner