Friday, May 7, 2010

2010 Jam-athon!

Our day started with five 10# flats of strawberries like this.
This may look like a lot of sugar, but it was really only the tip of the sugary iceberg!
We used well over 50#!
Here is my sweet little dishwasher helping prepare containers.
Isaac scrubbed and scrubbed lids, bands, jars, and plastic containers.
Samuel and Josiah were having fun capping strawberries.
The evidence shows that Isaac was enjoying EATING some of the berries.
They are delicious!
Samuel was eating berries, too!
Josiah liked describing all the interesting looking berries he found.
Bethany is always a good, diligent helper when it comes to making jam.
This one had many "udders," as he put it.
Here is our first load of capped berries, ready for washing, crushing, and sugaring.
Jessica has been working at Byler's Berries picking many, many pounds of strawberries every day. She leaves the house before 6 AM most days and is enjoying her work there.
Rebecca is an excellent stirrer.
Here, Jessica is stirring in the load of sugar while Josiah dreams of eating the goods!
Rebecca stuck with the task with us throughout most of the day.
Amber joined us for our second round after returning home from a job.
She took right to it like she'd been doing it all day.
Bethany can prepare berries better than most!

My happy helper is always smiling!
This happy helper has his hopes set on that half pint jar of jam as pay for his efforts!
He looks pretty determined!!
Of course, Rebecca also has one in mind for herself. It must have lace if it's for her!


OKGardners said...

I do believe if you video taped this, it would be a best selling comedy. These kids make everything a fun time!

Love, Mom (aka Grandma G)

Amongchosen said...

I'm green about all those strawberries!! How many quarts did you wind up with?