Sunday, July 13, 2008


A little over a week ago, we got some fertile eggs from a friend's hens to put under our broody hen. She sat on those six eggs for a week, and then two disappeared. No sign of egg shell to say the hens had destroyed them. But what else could have become of them?
Then, for many days, their egg production was down by about 4 to 6 eggs a day. Two more of the fertile, marked eggs disappeared a few days later, and this morning, there were none left. There was conversation on the way home from church today about possibly needing to replace these hens who seemed to be eating their eggs. (They have been known to do it!)
Well, I went out to their pen to give them some hot dog buns, opened the coop door, and what I saw gave me a HUGE case of the willies!

My manly husband went out there with a hoe, an ax handle, and a pair of picker-uppers, aka the Golden Retriever. He wrestled the 5 foot plus beast out of the coop and onto the ground where it proceeded to coil, strike, and then hide its head under its coils. He grabbed it with the picker-upper and put it into a huge trash can.
We hauled it way down the road to a wet ditch away from all houses and released it. It did not at all appear to be poisonous, so we didn't want to hurt it, we just wanted it to quit eating our eggs! It shouldn't need to eat for days.
Tyler is supposed to be posting the video clips he took of the whole fiasco on YouTube, so he can send the link to anyone who might want to see it. It was FUNNY!


OKGardners said...

Yikes! Can't wait to see video. I'm talking 2 U now...

Life in the country!

Love, Mom and Ed

(Ed's talking to you now...)


"Hello... It's Me Again..." said...

I like getting my eggs from the grocery store so I don't have to worry with snakes.

When I lived in Covington, I bought farm eggs from an aunt and they were delicious.

You know people say that snakes taste like chicken.... Maybe chicken tastes like snake.

Sarah said...

I like the way you made it sound like he was wrestling a 10 foot tall snake. :D

I like the 'picker-upper' too. LOL