Friday, July 10, 2009

A bit of Bethany

Bethany has been growing a lot lately, not only in size, but in helpfulness, too.
She has become my main helper at many times since big sisters are often out doing things for Dad or babysitting/house cleaning for other families.
This girl can cook, clean, grocery shop with a list, decorate, take care of her youngest brother, speed read with excellent comprehension, and much more! She is growing up right before our eyes.
I can ask her to do pretty much any job and she will do it all the way without complaint.
One of my favorite things about Bethany is that she faithfully reads her Bible each day. I hope the Lord does wonderful things with her life!

1 comment:

OKGardners said...

What a SWEET girl - my namesake.
Looks like she is stepping in to help with the little ones, as well as becoming a great cook. Invaluable skills for her future.

Love, Grandma G.