Saturday, October 30, 2010

Recent happenings...

Jacob was helping Hannah on the air pogo on our swing set.
She was loving it.
Below is Miss Priss in a skirt Amber sewed. Hannah got to spend the entire day with her oldest sister, and this is the cutie I found upon my return. She was just strutting all over the place with her little potbelly hanging over that cute skirt.
Samuel was pulling Isaac and Hannah around in our latest garage sale find, a new-to-us red wagon. They love it!
Here are Isaac and Hannah enjoying lunch at church.
Hannah's favorite horsey of all is her wonderful Daddy!
Rebecca decided to bundle up our sweet tiny girl to take her outside on a recent chilly morning.
Though she prefers freedom, Hannah loved it for awhile, because she loves being outside.
A friend gave us this sweet little skirt for our girl, and she marched around in it with her tiny size 5 cowgirl boots on. Very cute!
Samuel, Josiah, and Isaac went on a henhouse adventure a few days ago.
They wanted to play inside it, too, but I didn't think it was quite clean enough if we wanted to remain free of e coli.

1 comment:

Amber said...

Love seeing pictures!!
:] So cute