Saturday, October 30, 2010

Summer Bounty

We put up 2 bushels of Ginger Gold apples in the form of delicious, sugar free applesauce.
I wanted to start small, since I've never done it before. It made 39 quarts, and we are already down to about 25! Next year, we will hopefully put up at least 8-10 bushels.
Since our tomato crop was piddly, I was thankful that my friend Rhoda shared her abundance with us. We were able to can 18 quarts of salsa. It is very good though quite mild. Next time, I hope to put a lot more kick to it!

Here is Samuel with the only thing that grew well for us this year, an enormous cantaloupe.
It appeared that the fertility of our entire garden went into this whopper! We had a few other melons, but this one took the prize for size!!!


Bill Russell said...

All of this looks absolutely delightful! There's just nothing like the homemade applesauce without all the manufacturing sugar. Debbie made a lot of applesauce when we lived in Minnesota and had access to the apple orchards! Enjoy it all!!

Love, Dad

OKGardners said...

I'm happy that you are not afraid to tackle anything! If you don't want the MILD salsa, we will gladly eat it. :)

Love, Mom

OKGardners said...

BTW, that giant cantaloupe is larger than Samuel's head! Was it tasty ?? I hope it was. I was raised on fresh produce from my grandparents' garden and orchard. It sure ruins you for the unripe stuff in the grocery stores that tastes like plastic with no flavor..