Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our chicken coop...

This is for you, Tracey!

Here is the ramp to chicken heaven.
Their small, outdoor pen is surrounded with chicken wire on all sides, top, and bottom. Nothing can get in this pen....I hope!

This side door is for collecting eggs. Back door is good for cleaning the coop. Just scrape with a rake straight into a wheelbarrow and put the "goods" into your garden or compost heap.
These nesting areas are easily accessed from the egg door. In the foreground is another roost.

Here are the roosts.

This lovely hen is demonstrating the nest through the egg door. (We added some foam to the nests, because the eggs were hitting the wooden floor and cracking.)

Here you see their roosts and their little door to their safe pen.

1 comment:

OKGardners said...

The Upchurch Deluxe Chicken House plan. You guys did a good job building this.

Is there no end to your talent?

Good fresh eggs from KNOWN chickens and you know what they eat - unlike store-bought ones.

Love, Mom and Ed